
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

This is what a REAL house tour looks like.

Today I had planned to share with y'all a side table for our living room. But I failed miserably... And I just didn't have time to fix it, photograph it, and write a post. I was SUPER discouraged and annoyed. I've been trying to get my living room ready for the final tour. But today I had to just step back and laugh. My living room looks like a joke, and this is cleaner than it was yesterday!! 

So here is my super un-photogenic (not sure if that is a word or not...) living room tour. 

Look at all the junk laying around.... Sad part is thats pretty average. Paint, puppy toys, shoes, computers and loads of TV wires. It all has a place to go but its the stuff I use most so it sits out more often than not.
I'm gonna clean it up one day figure out what to do with those wires and photograph the beauty of this room and add it to my super fab house tour. A girl can dream right!

Do y'all remember my post from last week of my revamped trunk coffee table? Well it is broken already. Tepe (our puppy) got a new toy and got too excited and knocked the table legs off.
She did that last night and I was trying to fix it today, but I still didn't get the right materials... I'm thinking I should plan these projects out a little better. Oops. And those pillows in the back, they pretty much stay piled up on one side of the sofa. They look awesome when they are placed the way they are supposed to be but our sofa is kinda narrow so we usually push most of the pillows to the side so we can cuddle up easier. 

And this dumb chair. It was a hideous green, yellow and red plaid. Ok not hideous but just didn't go with the rest of the room. So I FINALLY ordered a slip cover. I was super pumped and ready to have a light chair that didn't totally clash with the room and show every single dog hair. Yep, most people want darker furniture but if I have lighter finishes its easier for me to keep lookin spiffy. 

But as you can see the slip cover doesn't fit to good. I've got a few tricks I still need to try, like putting a rod in the cushion cracks to keep the fabric from pulling back out and getting all wrinkly. I have 30 days to decide if I like it. If I can get it to look less frumpy I think its a keeper. 

Proof that I use the living room to do projects. Yep that is paint, paint brushes, tape, and a half finished painting. I love the light in the living room it makes everything beautiful so even though I have a craft room and a studio outside I still do most of my projects in here. I like to put my paintings up where I can look at them for a while. Sometimes when working on a project I get to close and can't really see the finished product. So this isn't done but it is in the process of deciding the next steps.

So, there it is. My totally un-photogenic living room tour. I so badly want to be a blogger that has a stunning house that people drool over. I think I would if I didn't live in mine all day every day. I like the way I have the room decorated. I just have a few projects I really need to figure out first.  Like those dang TV wires
Yep, horrid day as far as being productive. My living room is scattered with un finished projects. But as soon as Reed gets home we are going to figure out the issues of a rowdy dog and the coffee table. 
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*Now totally unrelated. But have you met Kim from This Ole Mom? She holds one of the large ad spots on my side bar and I wanna help her with a new project she has going on. Kim is starting a parenting info page. Now I don't have kids, and don't see any in the near future so I can't help contribute but if any of YOU fabulous moms or moms to be want to help Kim fill this page up with fabulous advice from real life moms then be sure to click over to her page and let her know you are interested! 

**The monthly giveaway series has started and the first giveaway is up in a few days! Check the post out here and be sure to enter!!  


  1. Your house looks lovingly lived in! And that's a compliment!

    1. Thank you Stacey! It means a lot, I was pretty annoyed earlier by my inability to get it the way I want. But then I realized, pictures don't matter as much as real life :)

  2. This made me smile, I can totally relate. I usually have kid toys and cushions all over the floor in mine. Your painting looks really good! Who needs a magazine worthy living room if you can paint like that! =)

    1. Oh thank you so much Abby!! I figured it wouldn't be called a LIVINGroom if you didn't actually live in it so why hide the way it actually is :) Thanks for coming over!!

  3. No one is perfect... not even the bloggers who post pictures that seem perfect. No one really lives like that so don't be too hard on yourself. I think your painting is lovely so far!

    1. Thanks Elise!! I've read a lot on staging and the lengths some people go to to get pictures of their home. It blows my mind, I love drooling over them but at the time being I don't have the time to fake my house so I've just gotta deal with the real thing!

  4. Hi Gracie ~ Ditto to the above comments. I love your real and honest photos and seeing the way you actually live. That's how we all live in real life. :)

    Lori @ A Bright and Beautiful Life

    1. Thanks Lori!! I can't believe the response this post got, I guess honesty is the best policy :)

  5. Frankly, I'm not sure I'd classify your home as messy, considering there are crumbs of unknown origin lurking all over our house, but I do understand the feeling of "not quite there yet." No matter how far you get on the list, there's 10 more things waiting to be added. :)
    Linking up from Wine'd Down Wednesday!

    1. Thank you Melissa, but I PROMISE you that there are piles of dog hair in almost every corner and all over every piece of furniture. It's a never ending battle! Today I fixed the coffee table, well Reed did so I'm feeling a little better about it.

  6. Oh yes, I feel ya! My kids love to make a mess, it's so hard to keep on top of it all! Thanks for linking with us for WDW!

    1. Michelle I can't imagine even attempting this with kids. Its just me, the hubs and our puppy and I have a hard time keeping shoes out of the floor and hair off everything!

  7. I love the line you wrote about that you would have a stunning house if you didn't have to live in it every day LOL. I totally agree! My husband even thinks that we shouldn't bother cleaning up at all because everything just gets dirty and out of place within a day or two!

    Thanks for sharing at Wine'd Down Wednesday! I am pinning this onto our new WDW Pinterest Board. Hope to see you back again next week!

    1. Thanks Kristin! you are the first person to mention that line, I thought it was pretty true :) I like to do all my cleaning 1 day a week and my husband cant stand it, but its because thats the whole issue if I clean everyday then i clean EVERYDAY!!

      And I will be back on Wednesday! :)

  8. Hello Gracie , thank you for doing a feature for me!
    I have free trail ads and other great ads going on now at This Ole Mom would love to have
    Sponsor me. I would love to have your blog over.

    Thank you Kim
    Have a great day!
